hylia bottle = hyb, rut, ruto, rutos, bottle, bot
atz grotto = atz
crater bean = crb, crater, craterbean
graveyard box = grb, gybox, box, gybean
colossus bean = cob, colossusbean, col, colo, colossus
fountain peek = fop, icyp, fountainp
hylia sun = hyliasun, shootthesun, sunshoot, shootsun, ss, hss
poes = poe, poes
lens game = len, lens, lensgame, chestgame, cmg
20 skulls = 20
30 skulls = 30
40 skulls = 40
50 skulls = 50
redead grave = red, redead
composers item = coi, comp, composer
composers song = cos, sun, suns
scarecrow = sca, scarecrow, pierre
top of fire = fla, hammer, flare, flaredancer
water bk = wbk, waterbk
water river = riv, river, riverch, riverchest
gtg final = fin, gtgf, gtgfin, gtgfinal
toilet = toi, toilet, gtgtoilet
dead hand = dea, deadhand
wasteland = was, waste, wasteland
colossus song = ws, req, wls, desert, wastesong, colosong
pot = pot
dancing = dan, daru, darunia, dancin, dancing
left hand = lef, mir, mirror, lefthand
right hand = rig, sil, silver, silvers, righthand
gc hammer = goh, gchammer, gcleft, maze3
gv hammer = gvh, gvhammer
cuccos = cuc, cucc, cucco, cuccos, chicken, chickens
crater song = cra, bol, bolero
meadow song = mea, min, minuet
tot song = 1me, tot, pre, prelude
king zora = kin, kz, kingzora
boomerang chest = jab, jabu, boom, boomerang, rang, boo
adult shooting = sho, shooting, archery, shoo
horse back archery = hba, 1500
forest floormaster = ffl, forestfloor, ffloor
shadow floormaster = sfl, shadowfloor, shfloor
burning kak = 3me, noc, nocturne
ice song = ice, ser, serenade
fountain hinted = fou, fountain, icy
saria kid = kid, skullkid
biggoron = big, bgs, trade
skull mask = mas, skullmask, mask
mask of truth = tru
frogs 2 = fr2, frog, frogs, frogs2
oot item = ooti, ootitem, thrown, thr, toss, gfcb (gift from canonical bae)
oot song = oot, oots, ootsong
crater child scrub = scr
hyrule castle fairy = cas, hfa, casf, hyf
ganon fairy = ogc, gfa, gaf
lost woods target = tar, targ, target,
frogs in storm = fr1, frogs1, frog1
hylia lab dive = div, dive,
water pillar = pil, pill, pillar
shadow pot = shap, shapot, shp, shpot
ice irons = iro, iron, irons,
ganon shadow trial 2 = sh2, st, sha2, st2, lik, sht
child spirit left = chspirit1, chspi1, csp1, cs1, chl, ch1
child spirit right= chspirit2, chspi2, csp2, cs2, chr, ch2
horse back archery 1000 = hba1, 1000, 100
hylia labtop = labtop, laptop, laro, labroof, topolab, topoflab
valley ledge = valley1, gv1, gvledge, valleyledge, valledge, val1
valley waterfall = valley2, gv2, waterfall, gvfall, watfall, val2
domain torchrun = zdtorches, zdfire, zdfir, domtorches, domfire, domfir
domain diving game = zddiving, zddiv, zdgame, domdiving, domdiv, domgame
deadhand = dh, deadhand, mrhand, hand, deha, dead
behind deadhand = dhbehind, dhback, inv, steve, steven, bdh
dark link= dlink, dl, me, clone, darklink, yami